courtesy of Seth Piszczuk, Richard Antonini & the Australian Wing Chun Federation
1st Australasian Wing Chun Conference 2012
Date: 26, 27, 28th October (Arrive Friday Night depart Sunday evening)
Location: Hosanna Farmstay Retreat (Northern NSW) – fully catered, run of full facilities.
Cost: Members cabin – $270 (limited spaces) or Tent – $230
Non AWCF Members: – $350
Deposit: $50 (required ASAP if wishing to utilise cabin accomodation)
Presenters confirmed thus far: Gary King, Tony Blencowe, Lindy Scott, Seth Piszczuk, Richard Antonini
Many more presenters yet to confirm and will be announced shortly.
Commemorative T-Shirt included in price – When booking please provide T-shirt Size
The weekend will consist of many sessions by the different presenters broken up with social time to spend training with our brothers and sisters. It will surely be a fantastic event and real step forward in the progression of our Wing Chun!
If you wish to get involved please contact us ASAP for further details: Either contact us here, email australianwingchunfederation@yahoo.com.au or speak to myself, Richard Antonini, Gary King
Check out the great looking facilities here: http://www.hosannafarmstay.com.au/
This will be an awesome opportunity to learn from and enjoy the benefits of our larger wing chun family.
let me know you are interested or want more info – Chris